Capt. Dave's Tips What a Year we have planned for 2005.  A lot that I can't even talk about yet because we're still working on it. 

For those who would like to meet at Dave and Buster's Friday night 1/14, that is the next Comedy Act night at the Gwinnett location.  The Windsong staff will be working the boat show so don't expect to see many of us there.  In the past we've really enjoyed these events and expect that in February we'll attend again.  Contact Dave & Buster's Special Events for more info.

I'll be brief this month due to all the work yet to be done for the Boat Show, so I'll close with this tip.  Take a moment each and every day and ask yourself the following question.  What have I done today to make the world and the lives of those around me better?  As your list grows long, so will the happiness and good fortune that comes your way.  Sometimes we each become too focused on our own agendas and forget that as kindness and good favors go around their worth is multiplied and eventually it all comes back your way.

Go do something TODAY to make a difference, no matter how small or insignificant.  It may be a life's breath to someone else, you may never know!

HECK, just bring 'em along sailing one weekend.  Let nature do the rest!


New Year's Resolutions

What a "Hoot" the New Year's Day Sail was!

Jamaica Lieu departed the dock at maximum capacity in 65° with winds that blew 5-8 on a cloudless and wonderful day!  The Colgate even came out to join us in the bay, but we were no match for the agile high performance boat!  We were having way too much fun comparing New Year's Resolutions and playing Dave's version of "Nautical Challenge Trivia" to even notice that we had sailed into a "Hole" while the Colgate brilliantly navigated the tricky winds this day. 

As special guest Cindi read the Nautical Challenge questions there was more interest in coming up with funny answers than the correct ones!  Okay, a few were risqué, but hey, we were having some fun! I was amazed at how creative we all were and it was absolutely hilarious.  Claude, the "History Professor", scored the most points with Jeff, Wayne, Brian, Dennis and Jay close behind. 

So who really cared what a school of Jelly Fish were called or the name of the first J boat America's Cup challenger, we were laughing too hard!  Hey Dave this game really is more fun without the board and playing pieces, let's just read the cards!

Those who didn't come with their own list of resolutions were given the "Windsong" version below.

So Who Cares For Your Opinion?
We do!  We've had many great suggestions by students in the past and many have been implemented on the spot.  If there is a sailing, social, recreational or family need that you think Windsong could satisfy let us know as soon as possible because we are in the final stages of firming up programs, activities, and classes for 2005.  We continue to author and offer new programs, classes and events to meet your needs as we expand our programs.  That's the role of business; identify needs and offer products and services that meet and exceed the expectations of customers. 

We also are interested in offering an opportunity that could make a difference in someone's life.  As we all tackle the many challenges of our daily life we come into contact with others carrying heavier burdens.  If you know of an individual, family or organization that could benefit by offering a rare opportunity to experience sailing, we have historically made that dream possible for many recipients over the past years. For 2005 we are extending our search for this year's recipients to possibly include those you may already know.  Send us an email describing their situation and how sailing could make a memorable and significant difference in their lives.

   1) Health:       
   2) Family:       
   3) Interests:   
   4) Friendships:
   5) Fellowship:


Eat less while sailing.
Do more while sailing.
Do more sailing.

Travel while sailing.
Avoid malls while sailing.
Make more time for sailing.

Mess around sailing.
Learn more while sailing.
Read stories about sailing.

Bring someone sailing.
Meet someone sailing.

Think wind when sailing.
Share sailing with others.

Warning To Returning Students: If you don't already have outings booked through July you should seriously consider doing so now as the annual boat show generally produces bookings as far in advance as August each year.

Been To A Good Boat Show Lately?
Mark your calendars for the Jan 12th - 16th Atlanta Boat Show at the Georgia World Congress Center.
Windsong will be in booth #253 again (Just to the right of the center concession stand) this year with some unannounced specials and great trips planned offshore this season. We can't say too much in advance, least we tip our hand to others who "try" to compete with Windsong, but Saturday the 15th you're going to want to be at the show for a series of programs you're not going to believe!  We're going to have some Las Vegas action going on at the booth (Sat 1/15 noon til 4 pm) and some of the finest speaker presentations the Atlanta show has EVER seen.  There will be something for everybody at the first annual "Windsong Speaker's Forum", a revolutionary new offering for the Atlanta Boat Show convention.

(Click Above)

·     “The World Is My Play Ground Too; Women Under Sail!”
Sailing is often viewed as a “Guy” thing.  Come hear the truth about sailing from a wife and mother who will share the Woman’s view of adventuring around the world to countries that most can’t even pronounce, much less locate on a globe.  When you're off sailing in remote destinations and your boat breaks down, who you gonna call? Many around the world call world cruiser and renowned speaker Pam Wall, Outfitting Manager for West Marine for support and supplies.  Thanks to West Marine for flying Pam up from Ft Lauderdale exclusively for Windsong to share her truly inspiring stories of travels to remote destinations and hear the stories, challenges, beauties and truths from the female perspective.

·     “Family Sailing, Kids In Tow
You've read their stories hosted by our web site for months.  Now you can come meet them in person!  We’ve all dreamed of packing up the family, leaving “Corporate America” and setting out for destinations over the horizon.  Few feel they ever reach an opportunity in life to experience such an adventure.  Come hear and see the story of a family that did just that, with twin 4-yr olds!  “Life” is what occurs while we’re trying to plan one.  Join us to hear the story of our long term delivery captain Pierre Russell and his wife Kim tell their story as they searched for and acquired an appropriate sailing vessel and planned their escape to live the dream!  Anyone who has contemplated taking the entire family to sea will appreciate the stories and advice they have to offer resulting from 18 months living aboard their Lord Nelson 41 while sailing the east coast of North America. 

·     Just My Son and I; Sailing”
The perception that adventure sailing requires a large crew is dispelled by a single father who decides to sever ties with the “Regular Pay Check” and spend time with his teenage son for a year; sailing.  Come follow the adventures and challenges mastered by Windsong senior student
Bill Rountree and his son Robert as they enjoy quality time afloat that anyone would envy.  As demonstrated by their successes, the Windsong programs can make it possible for those determined to realize their dreams! Come enjoy their story as they depart the east coast of North America and journey into the Bahamas.

·     “I Can’t Stop Dancing; An Annual Black Boater’s Party!”
You don’t have to be a sailor to go sailing!  You don’t even have to know how to swim! The annual Black Boater’s Summit held in the British Virgin Islands is a party not to be missed!  There are quiet moments and socializing bashes that bring together fun loving folks from all regions.  There are power boats, mono-hulls, multi-hulls and lots of dancing!  Did we mention food?  Yes, if you’re seeking adventure combined with some of the worlds best sailing anchorages you don’t want to miss this presentation about the 2005 expedition.

  Sat 1/15 12:00-1:00  The World Is My Play Ground Too; Women Under Sail
  1:30-2:30   Family Sailing, Kids in Tow
  3:00-4:00 Just My Son and I; Sailing
    4:30-5:30   I Can’t Stop Dancing; An Annual Black Boater’s Party!


Sun 1/16

2:00-3:00 The Basics Of Sailing
  4:00-5:00 How to Go Bareboat Charter Sailing

The speaker sessions will be conducted in the "Seminar" room to the far right end of the exhibition hall.  There should be a large RED lettered banner over the entrance doors to the area.  Although admission tickets into the boat show are not required to attend these seminars, I'm sure that following this event everyone will want to enter the main show floor to see this year's 2005 sailboats and drop by our booth on the exhibition floor.
Ever noticed that all official Windsong emails have the word "WINDSONG:" in the subject? That's so that you can use a filter or rule to intercept and redirect Windsong emails into a dedicated folder based upon this trait.  That way we won't ever wind up in your SPAM folders and accidentally deleted.  This is actually a two-way street.  Any replies from you will automatically contain the same identifier in the subject and we can prevent it's accidental deletion as well.  So any emails from you to us should contain the words "WINDSONG" in the subject or you risk censure by our anti spam software.  Daily we receive just over 400 SPAM emails and find the use of filtering software imperative.  Don't risk loosing our emails, filter TODAY!


Friends don't let their friends go through life
without experiencing sailing!

Invite someone to join you today!


                We're listening!!

Many times students' suggestions are implemented on the spot!  We pride ourselves in our customer service and attention to the needs of our students. If you have thoughts or ideas, drop us a line or give us a call.  All things are possible; you simply need to ask. 

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all our students for their loyal support through the season(s) and encourage everyone to bring one new friend along each year as you sail.  As we grow and expand our operation, we want to make our products and services available to all who may be interested, but some one has to make the introduction.  Share the love of your sport with those who may be interested in our unique collection of programs. You'll be glad you did and so will they!